The Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM) Project | Humanities CORE

Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-01-09


Abstract: In an era of transformative open access journal agreements, the article examines the Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM) project through a transformative lens. How might we apply transformativeness to open access monograph publishing? Is transformativeness measured in strictly financial and transactional terms, or should more qualitative measures be considered; and, if so, what might those measures be? Centering academic values, scaling small, fostering communities of practice, production efficiencies, and collaboration are characteristics of the COPIM Project. Libraries and universities committed to academic values are called on to align both the direction of their scholarly communication programs and the principles underlying their collection development policies around a reimagined and transformative open access monograph publishing system that aims higher, beyond transaction-based cost transparencies.


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oa.values oa.thoth oa.publishing oa.publishers oa.metadata oa.libraries oa.infrastructure oa.governance oa.ethics oa.discoverability oa.copim oa.business_models oa.books oa.academic_led academic_led scholarled

Date tagged:

01/09/2021, 13:23

Date published:

01/09/2021, 08:23