Prioritizing Metadata Output Formats for Thoth | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-02-03
Open book metadata management platform Thoth recently moved to its new home on, and is getting ready to ingest the catalogs of ScholarLed member presses Mattering Press and meson press, complementing those of Open Book Publishers and punctum books. With a new user management system in place, Thoth will have become an operational metadata management system for four fully open access presses, which will continue to provide feedback to improve the open source software.
COPIM Work Package 5, which has managed the creation of Thoth, will then focus on the next phase of development, namely the expansion of the suite of metadata output formats facilitated by Thoth. In order to map out the most efficient development path, the WP5 has created an ever evolving wiki covering the multitude to data and metadata formats, persistent identifiers, distributors, content platforms, sales channels, catalogs and indices, and end user interfaces that touch upon the design architecture of Thoth.
As there are many metadata output formats tailoring to a broad variety of stakeholders according to both open and closed standards, below we suggest a two-step approach to metadata-output development for Thoth aimed at maximizing the reach and compatibility of Thoth metadata with other stakeholders in the open access book publishing ecosystem.
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