COPIM Newsflash! #3 Project Update May 2021 | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-06-09
Phew, how time flies… so much has happened within the project recently, and since COPIM has just reached the 18-month mark, we wanted to provide an update on the work done and the progress made by COPIM and its seven Work Packages.
Since our last update, we have welcomed new members to the COPIM team, both to replace departing staff and to fill new roles as the project grows; we reflected on some of the lessons learned during the project’s first year, we published a wealth of new research outputs, including significant reports on library funding and infrastructure governance; and presented our work at a number of workshops and conferences. We have seen the successful uptake of COPIM’s Opening the Future model by publishers who are shifting their business models to Open Access; we have taken important steps forward in the development of COPIM’s open source multi-format metadata management service Thoth; and, and, and… it’s been very busy!
Please join us to learn more about the progress made by the various Work Packages below.
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