First OA book published by OtF press | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)

Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-12-07


COPIM and our partner presses hit a big milestone this week- the first book funded by our library membership programme is published today, with 5 more titles in the pipeline. You can read and download the book here:  Central European University (CEU) Press announced today the publication of a new academic monograph for specialist and general readers. It is the first of their ‘open access’ books funded entirely by the university library members of the Opening the Future programme. This book is freely available worldwide to read and download from Project MUSE, and will also be on other open access platforms like OAPEN. (It's also available to buy in print).


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oa.publishing oa.opening_the_future oa.ceu_press oa.books copim

Date tagged:

12/07/2021, 08:21

Date published:

12/07/2021, 03:21