EU Press’ Opening the Future Programme Publishes 2nd OA Book

Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-01-17


We are pleased to announce that Opening the Future at Central European University Press has accrued enough library support to publish another open access (OA) monograph: Constructing Identities over Time: “Bad Gypsies” and “Good Roma” in Russia and Hungary by Jekatyerina Dunajeva. This is hot on the heels of the release of our first OA book; the programme is gaining momentum and already making a difference with five books in total now funded and available, or in production. Opening the Future at CEU Press is a cost-effective way for libraries to increase their digital collections on the history and culture of Central and Eastern Europe and the former communist countries. Subscribing libraries get unlimited multi-user access to curated packages of books, with perpetual access after three years. The Press uses membership funds to produce new frontlist titles in open access format. All OA titles are available via Project MUSE, OAPEN and the Open Research Library, and are findable on DOAB. 


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Date tagged:

01/17/2022, 13:08

Date published:

01/17/2022, 08:08