A Fork in the Road: OA Books and Visibility-Value in the Humanities · COPIM

Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-01-26


"What we see emerging at this time, as a result, is a dual system in which all scientific research will be available to anyone to read, free of charge, while the most significant work in the humanities and social sciences will remain extremely expensive and less visible in the digital world. This should be grave cause for concern. The humanities, in particular, face a perpetual crisis of value, in which these subjects are called to account for their existence and are asked to re-articulate their societal virtues. But the arguments grow thinner. How can the humanities parrot the oft-repeated liberal humanist line that they exist to produce an educated citizenry capable of participating critically in democracy, when most humanities work remains unreadable by most people?... Learned societies in the humanities should be concerned (and they are). However, this concern should not be for the revenue streams that they feel are threatened by open access to journal subscriptions, but instead for the future of their disciplines in a world where they cannot justify themselves....



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oa.ssh oa.societies oa.prices oa.lay oa.humanities oa.discoverability oa.business_models oa.books oa.access copim

Date tagged:

01/26/2022, 13:36

Date published:

01/26/2022, 05:23