Open Access Monographs: Making Mandates Reality - Research Libraries UK

Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-06-22


"A COPIM webinar in partnership with RLUK This half-day webinar galvanises a much-needed sector-wide conversation on OA monographs in the context of the UK’s policy landscape. Expert panels of speakers from the library, publishing and policy worlds will outline the current state-of-play and discuss how we can move to meet the imminent OA mandates from cOAlition S/Plan S in Europe and UKRI in the UK, and potential implications of the REF. Featuring expert speakers from UKRI (Rachel Bruce) and Jisc (Caren Milloy), the event will open with a discussion of monograph policies and mandates before moving to an academic viewpoint from Professor Martin Eve (Birkbeck, U of L) who will talk about various international OA funding models and the need to move quickly from pilot phases to business as usual. The second half of the session will highlight the challenges of getting OA metadata into supply chains and systems often designed for closed books, and will discuss the concomitant challenges posed by metrics and reporting on OA books (speakers tbc). The afternoon will close with a view from the library perspective and expert speakers from the libraries at the Universities of York (Sarah Thompson), Aberdeen (Simon Bains) and Imperial College (Chris Banks). There will be time for Q&A after each set of speakers. This will be a crucial webinar for academic library colleagues and anyone involved in academic book publishing who is interested to know how the sector will meet the challenges of open access monographs. Candid discussion on OA book publishing – between libraries, publishers, funders and infrastructure providers – is urgently needed. Register to join the discussion."


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oa.rluk oa.policies oa.metrics oa.mandates oa.books copim events metadata

Date tagged:

06/22/2022, 10:28

Date published:

06/22/2022, 06:28