University of Cambridge becomes new Opening the Future member

Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-07-13


  CEU Press and COPIM are pleased to announce that the library at the University of Cambridge is one of the latest subscriber members to Opening the Future.  Cambridge has signed up to the Editors' Choice package. This means that their staff and students now have unlimited and concurrent access to 50 different eBooks on subjects ranging from mediaeval Europe, to human rights, Jewish studies, European economics, public health, and the fall of communism.


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oa.u.cambridge oa.opening_the_future oa.ceu_press oa.business_models o.scholcomm copim publishers

Date tagged:

07/13/2022, 14:42

Date published:

07/13/2022, 10:42