Experimenting with repository workflows for archiving: Manual ingest | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)

Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-07-25


Barnes, M. (2022). Experimenting with repository workflows for archiving: Manual ingest. Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM). https://doi.org/10.21428/785a6451.85c38501 Over the course of the last year (2021-2022), colleagues in COPIM’s archiving and preservation team have been considering ways to solve the issues surrounding the archiving and preservation of open access scholarly monographs. Most large publishers and many University presses have existing digital preservation relationships with digital preservation archives, but small and scholar-led publishers lag behind due to lack of resource. One of the potential solutions we have been considering is the university repository as open access archive for some of these presses. COPIM includes a number of scholar-led presses, such as Mattering Press, meson press, Open Humanities Press, Open Book Publishers and punctum books. Partners on the project also include UCSB Library and Loughborough University Library. In cooperation with Loughborough University Library, we began to run some preliminary repository workflow experimentations to see what might be possible, using books from one of the partner publishers. Loughborough University employs Figshare as their primary institutional repository, so we began with this as a test bed for our experimentations. [...]  



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Date tagged:

07/25/2022, 11:37

Date published:

07/25/2022, 07:37