Thoth GraphQL API Workshop, August 19, 2022 | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-08-19
COPIM (Community-Led Open Publishing Infrastructures for Monographs) is a 3.5-year project funded by Research England and Arcadia, that will develop and build the critical underlying modular components to support the sustainable publication of open access (OA) books, including infrastructures, business models, governance procedures, re-use strategies, preservation structures, and outreach programs. These systems and infrastructures will be open and collectively managed for the common good. Towards this end, COPIM aims to develop a significantly enriched not-for-profit and open source ecosystem for OA book publishing that will support and sustain a diversity of publishing initiatives and models, particularly in humanities and social sciences publishing.
One of COPIM’s outputs includes the development of Thoth, an open metadata manager and dissemination system and service designed specifically for Open Access books. Its source code is open, its data is exposed via open APIs, and all its outputs are released under a CC-0 license allowing for publishers, archivists and distributors to increase their metadata outputs as well as for libraries and platforms to easily gather or transfer book metadata.
Workshop aims:
As Thoth continues to enable presses to manage metadata for their open access books and export it in a number of different formats to various platforms, catalogues and other dissemination channels, we want to make sure all its users are fully aware of Thoth’s open API capabilities. Led by Thoth’s software engineer Javier Arias, the team of COPIM’s Work Package 5 will guide users through its GraphQL API and demo how to query the API, write queries, and export the resulting data into a spreadsheet. Ultimately, this workshop aims to familiarize non-technical users who would like to learn how to directly retrieve data from Thoth’s API with Thoth’s versatile capabilities.
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