During the Covid pandemic, some publishers didn’t just fail libraries, they exploited them – Walled Culture

Items tagged with oa.monopoly in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-06-01


"The IFLA report goes on to detail the ways in which some publishers were unhelpful or placed the sanctity of copyright above the pressing need to help millions of students struggling to access textbooks and other study materials. The whole sorry saga is further evidence that far from promoting access to knowledge, copyright is often an obstacle to it. Moreover, the publishers’ behaviour indicates that even during a global crisis like a pandemic, for many their chief concern was bolstering profits and preserving copyright’s intellectual monopoly, rather than aiding people in dire need."



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oa.humanitarian oa.copyright libraries publishers monopoly

Date tagged:

06/01/2022, 11:26

Date published:

06/01/2022, 07:26