Mapping the costs of open infrastructure

Items tagged with oa.ioi in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-09-28


"Earlier this summer we shared our three-year Strategic Plan, outlining the shape of the work ahead and how we were going to approach key aims to advance investment and adoption of open infrastructure. Today, we wanted to share more about what we're working on to prototype guidance for those looking to invest and/or adopt open infrastructure solutions, including investigating underlying costs. IOI’s work is centered around providing targeted, evidence-based guidance to institutions and funders of open infrastructure to help them become wiser about where to invest. Our work also aims to surface information to advance best practice and community alignment around governance, transparency, and sustainability. We firmly believe that to increase investment into open infrastructure to make it a competitive and reliable choice for institutions, we need to better understand the underlying costs, economics, and key dimensions to guide decision-making. Data on current investment in the sector - from external funders, institutions, and from projects themselves - is at best disaggregated, and at worst incomplete...."


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oa.infrastructure oa.economics_of oa.costs ioi

Date tagged:

09/28/2021, 13:57

Date published:

09/28/2021, 09:58