Tulane University Libraries Signs Transformative Open Access Agreement with Elsevier | TU Libraries
Items tagged with oa.elsevier in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-02-08
"Tulane University Libraries has signed a transformative open access agreement with Elsevier, one of the largest publishers of scholarly journals in the world, publishing more than 2,600 titles. The agreement is among the first of its kind between Elsevier and an independent U.S. library negotiating outside of a large consortium and comes just weeks after our announcement of a similar arrangement with the global publisher Wiley (nearly 2,000 titles).
The agreement covers the article publication charges in Elsevier journals for Tulane primary authors who want their articles to be published as open access or publicly available. The full cost of these charges will be built into the annual journal subscription costs paid by the library. To allow for this, the library and publisher agreed to a four-year license term and sustainable caps on overall subscription costs during that period. Elsevier's journals and eBooks reside on a platform well known to researchers called ScienceDirect...."
https://library.tulane.edu/news/tulane-university-libraries-signs-transformative-open-access-agreement-elsevierFrom feeds:
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