University of Kansas Libraries sign transformative open access agreements with Elsevier, Cambridge University Press | The University of Kansas
Items tagged with oa.elsevier in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-02-20
"The University of Kansas Libraries have signed a pair of renegotiated deals aimed at supporting open access and broadening the reach of KU-generated research. Through a pair of transformative read-and-publish agreements with Elsevier — the world’s largest scientific publishing company — and Cambridge University Press — the world’s oldest university publisher — KU Libraries have increased the number of scholarly journals available for reading to KU students and researchers and will cover the costs of open access article processing charges (APCs) for eligible articles by KU corresponding authors, broadening the potential reach of the work. In a three-year agreement with Elsevier, the KU community will maintain existing access to more than 2,000 journals, while covering APCs for KU corresponding authors who opt in to publish articles as open access. Historically, publishers have used a subscription model in which authors publish in a journal and their content remains behind a paywall for journal subscribers only. In an open access publishing model, articles are available to all readers regardless of subscription status, often under a Creative Commons license that enables sharing and reuse. While not all open access is supported by APCs, they have become a common model. Subscription journals that publish some open access articles on payment of an APC are referred to as hybrid open access...."
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