When the Big Deal Gets Smaller: Use of ScienceDirect after Cancellations
Items tagged with oa.elsevier in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-03-17
Abstract: This study investigates how article downloads from ScienceDirect changed after Temple University Libraries downsized its all-inclusive Elsevier big deal bundle to a selective custom package. After the libraries lost current-year access to nearly half of Elsevier’s active journals, the total downloads from Elsevier journals declined by 16.2 percent over three years. Combined use of still-subscribed and open access journals fell 10.6 percent in the same three years, suggesting that the drop in total use is due not only to the loss of journals but also to factors that would affect the remaining journals, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and a slight decrease in enrollment. Patrons may have substituted articles from still-subscribed and open access journals for those that were canceled, though the data are not conclusive. Reliance on open access appears to have increased.
https://d31hzlhk6di2h5.cloudfront.net/20230316/15/a1/56/e0/452d72ab4c6780be97f3006c/08_23.2kohn_preprint.pdfFrom feeds:
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