Elsevier: Protest gegen zu hohe Publikationsgebühren

Items tagged with oa.elsevier in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-04-20


From Google's English:  "In a letter dated April 18, 2023, the 40 members of the editorial board of the open access journal NeuroImage , which is considered a leader in the field of neuroscience , announced that they – including the four chief editors – had resigned jointly. With this step, they are protesting what they consider to be excessive publication fees ( Article Processing Charges – APC ) of $3,450 that the scientific publisher Elsevier charges for publications in the journal. According to its own statements, the editorial board had previously tried in vain to persuade the publisher to reduce the fees. The entire former team is now founding theOpen access journal Imaging Neuroscience with the aim of becoming the leading journal in the field of neuroscience...."


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oa.up oa.resignations oa.neuro oa.mit_press oa.journals oa.fees oa.ethics oa.declarations_of_independence german nonprofit elsevier

Date tagged:

04/20/2023, 09:29

Date published:

04/20/2023, 05:29