"Superior identification index – Quantifying the capability of academic journals to recognize good research

Items tagged with oa.analytics in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-11-19


Abstract:  In this paper we present “superior identification index” (SII), a metric to quantify the capability of academic journals to recognize top papers restricted by specific time window and study field. Intuitively, SII is the percentage of papers from a journal in the top p% papers in the field. SII provides flexible framework to make trade-offs on journal quality and quantity, as p rises it puts more weight on quantity and less weight on quality. Concerns on the p selection are discussed, and extended metrics of SII, including superior identification efficiency (SIE) and paper rank percentile (PRP), were proposed to sketch other dimensions of journal performance. Based on bibliometric data from ecological field, we find that as p increases, the correlation between SIE and JIF first rises then drops, indicating that JIF might most likely reflect “how well a journal identifies the top 26~34% papers in the field”. Hopefully, the new proposed SII metric and its extensions could promote the quality awareness and provide flexible tools for research evaluation.



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oa.quality oa.metrics oa.jif oa.ecology oa.citations oa.bibliometrics analytics

Date tagged:

11/19/2022, 13:49

Date published:

11/19/2022, 08:50