Data blind: Universities lag in capturing and exploiting data | Science
Items tagged with in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-12-24
Abstract: Research universities are large, complex organizations that generate vast amounts of administrative and research data. If exploited effectively, these data can aid in addressing myriad challenges. Yet universities lag behind industry, business, and government in deriving strategic value from their data resources (1). We recently conducted interviews on the state of data-informed decision-making with university leaders who were highly attuned to how well their institutional data systems and organizational structures are serving them and to the kinds of data capture and exploitation most needed. Findings from this exploratory study shed light on ways in which universities are data rich, data poor, and—sometimes—intentionally data blind. They point toward the need for leadership that supports a panoramic view of the data infrastructure and policies at play within individual universities, whether realized by creating a new senior role with relevant authority and budget or through greater multistakeholder coordination.
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