Sustaining Values and Scholarship A Statement by the Provosts of the Big Ten Academic Alliance

Items tagged with oa.ecosystem in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2019-06-10


"We, the provosts of the Big Ten Academic Alliance, are committed to sustaining and advancing equitable modes of sharing knowledge. Our 14 institutions embrace individual mission statements that support the common good, equity of access, and the global impact and reach of our research and scholarship. Collectively, our institutions’ more than 50,000 faculty are supported by over $10 billion (2017) in research funding, and our institutions have similarly invested significantly in our capacity to further our missions to advance knowledge. Together, we produce roughly 15% of the research publications in the United States.... In 2006, we shared an open letter in support of taxpayer access to federally-funded research. In 2012, we repeated our advocacy for open access in the face of potentially restrictive legislation to curtail that openness. Since then, our institutions have further invested in systems, repositories, and local policies to support open access to the works of our faculty. And we have encouraged our libraries and faculty to work together to assess the value of purchased or licensed content and the appropriate terms governing its use. With Big Ten libraries’ expenditures on journals exceeding $190 million, we recognize that our institutions are privileged in the level of access we provide our campuses, yet the status quo is not sustainable...."    


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oa.usa oa.universities oa.u.california oa.sustainability oa.scholcomm oa.publishers oa.libraries oa.hei oa.economics_of oa.costs oa.business_models oa.big10 ecosystem

Date tagged:

06/10/2019, 13:13

Date published:

06/10/2019, 10:53