Emerald Publishing improves remote access through SeamlessAccess integration on Insight platform | Emerald Publishing
Items tagged with oa.seamlessaccess in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-09-15
"The SeamlessAccess service, enabled through an integration with LibLynx’s identity & access solution, automatically recognises if a researcher has previously logged into Emerald Insight using Shibboleth or OpenAthens and remembers their institution as their first option so that they do not need to manually search for their institution on each user experience. This secure single sign-on process is quicker and easier.
The SeamlessAccess services works across all participating publisher platforms. This means that a researcher switching across different publisher platforms that use SeamlessAccess will automatically be recognised as a member of their institution. From an author’s perspective, this also helps make their research easier and quicker for others to access...."
https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/news-and-press-releases/emerald-publishing-improves-remote-access-through-seamlessaccessFrom feeds:
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