U.S., EU, India, S.Africa reach compromise on COVID vaccine IP waiver text | Reuters

Items tagged with oa.africa in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-03-18


"The United States, European Union, India and South Africa have reached a consensus on key elements of a long-sought intellectual property waiver for COVID-19 vaccines, according to a proposed text reviewed by Reuters. Sources familiar with the talks described the text as a tentative agreement among the four World Trade Organization members that still needs formal approvals from the parties before it can be considered official. Any agreement must be accepted by the WTO's 164 member countries in order to be adopted.... The document authorizes use of "patented subject matter required for the production and supply of COVID-19 vaccines without the consent of the right holder to the extent necessary to address the COVID-19 pandemic". It said IP rights would also be waived for ingredients and processes necessary for COVID-19 vaccine manufacture, a move aimed at granting critical know-how to many countries lacking expertise, especially for advanced mRNA-type vaccines...."



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Date tagged:

03/18/2022, 09:43

Date published:

03/18/2022, 05:43