Wiley and South African Consortium SANLiC Sign Open Access Agreement | John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Items tagged with oa.africa in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-04-06


"Global research and education leader Wiley today announced a new ground-breaking, four-year agreement with SANLiC (South African National Library and Information Consortium), a consortium of public South African higher education and research institutions, with the aim to deliver more open access research and empower scholars across the country.  The agreement allows participating member institutions in South Africa to access all of Wiley’s journals, and grants researchers the ability to publish accepted articles open access in Wiley’s hybrid journals from the start of the agreement in early 2022. From January 2023, as part of a pilot scheme, researchers will also be able to publish in Wiley’s fully gold open access portfolio, including journals published by Hindawi. To amplify inclusive scholarship across the country, and break down barriers, Wiley will work closely with SANLiC and their members to deliver additional support to researchers, including comprehensive research publishing training workshops, online access to the Wiley Researcher Academy and bespoke editorial resources. ..."



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Date tagged:

04/06/2022, 10:12

Date published:

04/06/2022, 06:12