Events – LIBSENSE | Strengthening open access and open science in Africa

Items tagged with in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-04-07


"The LIBSENSE Intitiative Strengthening open access and open science in Africa. LIBSENSE (Library Support for Embedded NREN Services and E-infrastructure) is a WACREN-led programme aimed at building a community of practice for open science and progressing the adoption of open science services and infrastructures in Africa. Open science is an international trend aimed at sharing the results of research widely. This phenomenon is transforming the way research is done and increasing its value and impact by accelerating the pace of scientific discoveries and expanding the adoption of research outcomes for everyone. Launched in 2016, LIBSENSE aims to bring together the research and education networks (RENs) and academic library communities to strengthen open access and open science in Africa. This Africa-wide programme provides an avenue through which different stakeholder communities work together to define priority activities, share knowledge, and develop relevant services. This pan-African effort is making strides towards advancing open science through strengthening and expanding services at the institutional, national and regional levels. LIBSENSE’s approach is using bottom-up, distributed and heterogenous ways to entrench open access and open science in Africa. The programme is all-inclusive; this is demonstrated in the regional dispersal of its communities, the language for operation and then the cultural nature of its operations and communities."


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Date tagged:

04/07/2022, 06:33

Date published:

04/07/2022, 02:33