Resolving the location of small intracontinental earthquakes using Open Access seismic and geodetic data: lessons from the 2017 January 18 m<SUB>b</SUB> 4.3, Ténéré, Niger, earthquake - NASA/ADS
Items tagged with in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-09-05
Abstract: A low-magnitude earthquake was recorded on 2017 January 18, in the Ténéré desert in northern Niger. This intraplate region is exceptionally sparsely covered with seismic stations and the closest open seismic station, G.TAM in Algeria at a distance of approximately 600 km, was unusually and unfortunately not operational at the time of the event. Body-wave magnitude estimates range from mb 4.2 to mb 4.7 and both seismic location and magnitude constraints are dominated by stations at teleseismic distances. The seismic constraints are strengthened considerably by array stations of the International Monitoring System for verifying compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban-Treaty. This event, with magnitude relevant to low-yield nuclear tests, provides a valuable validation of the detection and location procedure for small land-based seismic disturbances at significant distances. For seismologists not in the CTBT system, the event is problematic as data from many of the key stations are not openly available. We examine the uncertainty in published routinely determined epicentres by performing multiple Bayesloc location estimates with published arrival times considering both all published arrival times and those from open stations only. This location exercise confirms lateral uncertainties in seismologically derived location no smaller than 10 km. Coherence for interferometric synthetic aperture radar in this region is exceptionally high, and allows us to confidently detect a displacement of the order 6 mm in the time frame containing the earthquake, consistent with the seismic location estimates, and with a lateral length scale consistent with an earthquake of this size, allowing location constraint to within one rupture length (≤5 km)-significantly reducing the lateral uncertainty compared with relying on seismological data only. Combining Open Access-only seismological and geodetic data, we precisely constrain the source location, and conclude that this earthquake likely had a shallow source. We then discuss potential ways to continue the integration of geodetic data in the calibration of seismological earthquake location.
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