Wits University partners with ChronosHub to implement an automated APC management system | STM Publishing News
Items tagged with oa.africa in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-10-19
"Over the last decade, Wits has more than tripled the number of research outputs published annually, with the share of Open Access (OA) publications increasing even faster. Today, about 50% of Wits’ more than 3,000 research articles are gold or hybrid OA, which require complex processes for handling payments of Article Processing Charges (APCs).
Through the ChronosHub platform, Wits will automate much of the otherwise manual work required to manage the APC invoices. Data collection is facilitated through many integrations with publisher systems combined with AI-technology for scanning invoices. This gives Wits an overview of all APC funding requests across all publishers on a single approval dashboard directly highlighting which approval criteria that are met or not for each invoice. Upon approval, ChronosHub also pays the publishers directly instead of the authors going through a complicated reimbursement process...."
https://www.stm-publishing.com/wits-university-partners-with-chronoshub-to-implement-an-automated-apc-management-system/From feeds:
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