LIBSENSE expands compendium on open science case studies across Africa – 2 June 2022

Items tagged with oa.south in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-06-02


"The LIBSENSE programme has expanded the compendium of case studies highlighting various initiatives and activities by institutions and countries to advance open science through policy formulation and implementation.  Initiated as support material part of the first regional policy development workshop co-located with the UbuntuNet-Connect conference in November 2021, the compendium documents a broad range of open access/open science policy development initiatives from African higher education institutions and organisations. Expanded for the second iteration of the workshop in the WACREN 2022 conference, the representative universities cover a range of public and private institutions where research occurs, providing perspectives on open science policy development at the institutional level, including the motivations, successes, challenges and outcomes.  The LIBSENSE policy working group solicited for case studies from partners across the African continent. The Compendium showcases key open science/open access initiatives written by those involved in developing and implementing them. The Compendium currently has 14 case studies from institutions across Francophone and Anglophone African countries, highlighting their open science or open access policy development processes and challenges and 1 regional case study from the Francophone region (CAMES)...."


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africa data policies case oa.policies oa.open_science oa.monitoring africa repositories libsense global_majority

Date tagged:

06/02/2022, 13:27

Date published:

06/02/2022, 08:30