Declaración de CLACSO “Una nueva evaluación académica y científica para una ciencia con relevancia social en América Latina y el Caribe» | Universo Abierto
Items tagged with oa.south in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-08-28
From Google's English: "This declaration was approved by the XXVII General Assembly of CLACSO, within the framework of the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Social Sciences , in Mexico City in June 2022. In turn, it was enriched with the contributions of various regional and international specialists and representatives of CLACSO member centers, who participated in the plenary "Balance, perspectives and challenges for a new agenda for academic evaluation in Latin America and the Caribbean" at the International Seminar of the Forum Latin American Scientific Evaluation (FOLEC)- CLACSO during the 9th. Conference.
In this way, CLACSO-FOLEC, together with a multiplicity of actors and actors committed to the issue, has managed to consolidate a common Declaration of Principles and high consensus on responsible academic evaluation from and for Latin America and the Caribbean. Following these guidelines, CLACSO-FOLEC seeks to promote the implementation of these principles - converted into proposals and tools for action - by the National Science and Technology Organizations, scientific institutions and higher education in the region. Likewise, it mobilizes the study and survey of good practices and different innovations in the evaluation processes,
We would very much like your individual and/or institutional support for the Declaration. For that, you can offer your adhesion in the link."
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