Celebrating an open access knowledge and information repository for CGIAR research | International Livestock Research Institute

Items tagged with oa.south in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-11-04


"In late 2009, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) established a digital repository to act as a complete open archive of the information and publications generated through its research. This was driven by ILRI’s aim to have its knowledge travel by making it open access, by publishing it in full, by giving it permanent identifiers, and by providing reliable access through robust open repositories and other communication channels. The goal was to have the information taken off unreliable websites, given permanent identifiers , and made easier to find and share through new digital and web services. Over time, the repository has evolved from its initial ILRI focus into a collaboration involving seven CGIAR research centers, several CGIAR research programs and platforms and other initiatives and projects. The CGSpace repository is now the largest single collection of CGIAR-associated research outputs (read about CGSpace origins and early developments).... Last month, the repository added its 100,000th unique item, reaching an important milestone on the route towards making CGIAR knowledge widely accessible...."



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Date tagged:

11/04/2022, 14:28

Date published:

11/04/2022, 10:28