"Fostering Epistemic Equality with Library-Based Publishing in the Glo" by Monica Berger
Items tagged with oa.south in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-04-25
Abstract: This talk will consider the marginalization of scholars and other stakeholders in the Global South and how local publishing infrastructure is critical to recalibrating imbalances. The Latin American ethos and practice of bibliodiversity, or scholarly self-determination, is a precondition for the decolonialization of knowledge. Accordingly, predatory publishing is minimal in Latin America which has its own publishing infrastructures. Library publishing, which supports bibliodiversity, represents an important path towards much needed free to authors or diamond open access. Librarians play a critical role in educating editors and fostering publishing best practices.
https://academicworks.cuny.edu/ny_pubs/1029/From feeds:
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