Editorial: Mining Scientific Papers, Volume II: Knowledge Discovery and Data Exploitation

Items tagged with oa.floss in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-07-11


"The processing of scientific texts, which includes the analysis of citation contexts but also the task of information extraction from scientific papers for various applications, has been the object of intensive research during the last decade. This has become possible thanks to two factors. The first one is the growing availability of scientific papers in full text and in machine-readable formats together with the rise of the Open Access publishing of papers on online platforms such as ArXiv, Semantic Scholar, CiteSeer, or PLOS. The second factor is the relative maturity of open source tools and libraries for natural language processing that facilitate text processing (e.g., Spacy, NLTK, Mallet, OpenNLP, CoreNLP, Gate, CiteSpace). As a result, a large number of experiments have been conducted by processing the full text of papers for citation context analysis, but also summarization and recommendation of scientific papers...."



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oa.tools oa.mining oa.extraction open_source_software

Date tagged:

07/11/2022, 13:17

Date published:

07/11/2022, 09:39