Science Information Policy | Science Mission Directorate

Items tagged with oa.floss in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-12-09


"SMD has released SPD-41a: Scientific Information Policy for the Science Mission Directorate to provide guidance on the open sharing of publications, data, and software created in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. The core values behind the development of the policy are to make SMD-funded research as open as possible, as restricted as required, and always secure.  ... In November 2021, NASA issued a Request for Information (RFI) to solicit information from SMD communities on proposed updates to SPD-41. SMD has released a summary of the comments and responses from this RFI, which helped to inform the directorate on how to update its minimum requirements for openness and accessibility, as well as how to successfully implement the policy.  SPD-41a is a forward-looking policy that will apply to new missions and grants starting with ROSES-2023. Existing missions and grants are not required to adopt the new guidance, but they are encouraged to do so if feasible with available resources. For new missions and grants starting with ROSES-2023, SPD-41a requires that:    Peer-reviewed publications are made openly available with no embargo period.   Research data and software are shared at the time of publication or the end of the funding award.  Mission data are released as soon as possible and unrestricted mission software is developed openly.   Science workshops and meetings are held openly to enable broad participation. ..."


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oa.usa.nasa oa.policies.funders oa.policies oa.nasa oa.embargoes oa.astronomy usa funders open_source_software data ostp americas northern_america americas

Date tagged:

12/09/2022, 14:11

Date published:

12/09/2022, 09:12