AGU/CHORUS Forum: How Open is Open Data & Software?

Items tagged with oa.floss in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-03-07


"The word “open” is being used commonly in scholarly communications with little context as to what is meant or intended. Researchers have been working openly to their advantage throughout their careers.  What is different now, and what is the value of “being open”?  Is open a binary option?  On or off?  OR is “open” dependent on your context and research objectives with the necessary flexibility?  When we are being open, what is our responsibility around attribution and credit?  The speakers of this AGU/CHORUS Forum will discuss the open sharing of data and software as a researcher, within a team, and across a community and how it better supports discovery, collaboration, transparency and innovation."


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Date tagged:

03/07/2023, 09:42

Date published:

03/07/2023, 04:42