Council calls for transparent, equitable, and open access to scholarly publications - Consilium

Items tagged with oa.floss in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-05-23


"In its conclusions, the Council calls on the Commission and the member states to support policies towards a scholarly publishing model that is not-for-profit, open access and multi-format, with no costs for authors or readers. Some Member States have introduced secondary publication rights into their national copyright legislation, enabling open access to scholarly publications which involve public funds. The Council encourages national open access policies and guidelines to make scholarly publications immediately openly accessible under open licences. The conclusions acknowledge positive developments in terms of monitoring progress, like within the framework of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), and suggest including open science monitoring in the European Research Area monitoring mechanism. The Council conclusions also encourage Member States to support the pilot programme Open Research Europe (to create a large-scale open access research publishing service), the use of open-source software and standards, to recognise and reward peer review activities in the assessment of researchers as well as to support the training of researchers on peer-review skills and on intellectual property rights."


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oa.secondary_pub_rights oa.ore oa.monitoring oa.licensing oa.embargoes oa.copyright oa.assessment nonprofit europe open_source_software

Date tagged:

05/23/2023, 08:44

Date published:

05/23/2023, 04:45