Are we there yet?: Publishing meta(data) standards to help scholars get from point A to point B

Items tagged with oa.ror in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-04-07


"Most are familiar with registering Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), a type of Persistent Identifier (PID), to create lasting records for online research outputs. Registering DOIs for journal articles and other scholarly content and adding DOI links to references when possible is one of the best steps publishers can take to support research linking and discovery. But publishers shouldn’t stop at creating DOIs for articles. There are many other PIDs to consider adding to article-level metadata to support research discovery, assessment, and reuse. Additional PIDs can also expand the potential reach of content outputs when included in metadata registered with discovery services like Crossref. During the NISO Plus session “Linked Data and the Future of Information Sharing,” Christian Herzog, CEO of Dimensions, and Shelley Stall, Senior Director of Data Leadership at the American Geophysical Union, spoke to emerging PIDs for linking research outputs by not only the content referenced in them but also the scholars, institutions, and funders associated with them. Among the PIDs they said all publishers should consider adding to their metadata are: ORCID identifiers for authors and their history of research contributions Institutional IDs such as those developed by GRID, which is the seed data set for the community-led ROR open research organization identifier registry Grant IDs and funder IDs, such as those in The Open Funder Registry..."


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oa.discoverability standards fair orcid metadata dois oa.standards oa.orcid oa.metadata oa.fair oa.dois pids ror

Date tagged:

04/07/2021, 09:35

Date published:

04/07/2021, 05:35