RIRO - Russian Index of the Research Organizations | ConviviaR Tools
Items tagged with oa.ror in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-05-26
With Web of Science & Scopus, ROR & GRID, Wikidata & Microsoft Academic, ISNI & other providers of the research organization identifiers, is there a need for another one? In this post I am going to answer this question by telling you about RIRO project, launched by me and Ivan Sterligov today. You will see what RORI is, how to get the data, and what value it can provide for the bibliometric research.
What is RIRO?
RIRO is a public, open, and autonomous project, designed to link the numerous identifiers of the Russian organizations to the existing legal entities.
public as anyone can use it (free as in speech);
open as anyone can contribute to it (no strings attached);
autonomous as it is self-governed (free as a bird).
In its current form RIRO v.1.0 is a set of tables linking the organization identifiers and profiles provided by ROR, GRID, Wikidata, Microsoft Academic, Scopus, SciVal, Web of Science, InCites to the Russian legal entities.
The RIRO tables are available at Zenodo RIRO community: https://zenodo.org/communities/riro/.
The code & examples of use will be shared via GitHub: https://github.com/OpenRIRO.
The news & related information will be updated at web site.
https://dwayzer.netlify.app/posts/2021-05-24-riro/From feeds:
[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.ror in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks