PID-optimised workflows: A vision of a more efficient future | Zenodo

Items tagged with oa.ror in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-09-22


"We present four expansive diagrams, each of which is intended to showcase a possible future, in which persistent identifiers (PIDs) are used throughout the research lifecycle to enable automation, efficiency, new discovery tools, and analysis. The use of open PIDs throughout also supports greater transparency and reproducibility in research activities and communications. Anyone can use these diagrams and adapt them to meet their own workflows. This is, after all, just one vision of a PID-optimised future, and one that is by necessity somewhat generic. The goal is to inspire all those working to support research and innovation to consider how they could use powerful, global, open research information infrastructures in new ways to improve the health and resilience of the ecosystem. This work emerged from a programme of activities commissioned by Jisc in the UK and sponsored by Research England. It was carried out by the MoreBrains Cooperative, and included the development of a national PID roadmap for the UK, with the goal of supporting a strong research base and enabling a smoother transition to more openness at every step, from applying for a grant to communicating research findings. At the start of the programme, five ‘priority PIDs’ were selected, based on a series of workshops and community discussions. Given the nature of PIDs as both coordinates and signposts in the information landscape, the use of open PID systems was seen as essential. The consensus list of entities for which PIDs would provide the greatest benefits was therefore matched to relevant open PID systems, all of which have some form of community governance. The following priority PIDs were selected: Crossref Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for funding grants of all kinds Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) IDs for people Research Activity Identifiers (RAiDs) for projects Research Organization Registry (ROR) identifiers for organisations Crossref and DataCite DOIs for outputs (especially articles and data)..."


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.ror in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.orcid in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
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oa.workflows orcid pids dois ror

Date tagged:

09/22/2022, 09:59

Date published:

09/22/2022, 05:59