Webinar: Creating and Sharing Open Educational Resources (OER) - National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Items tagged with oa.creative_commons in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2020-05-12
This webinar will explore how to share resources which you have developed as open educational resources (OER) in order to facilitate sharing and reuse by others. Key topics will include choosing an open licence, creating an open licence, and considerations for sharing and reuse. The webinar will use the National Forum Open Licensing Toolkit as a reference guide.
The webinar will include guest speakers and will be facilitated by Catherine Cronin (National Forum). Guest speakers will share their experiences of creating and sharing OER developed in past projects in Irish higher education, including what they have learned through the process. Catherine will share how the National Forum supports the use of open licensing and OER, specifically for initiatives funded under the Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund but also for other work developed within Irish higher education.
https://www.teachingandlearning.ie/event/webinar-creating-and-sharing-open-educational-resources-oer/From feeds:
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