Announcing eLife and Dryad’s seamless data publishing integration | Inside eLife | eLife

Items tagged with oa.dryad in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-06-24


"eLife and Dryad have long supported making research publicly accessible and reusable. Over the last nine years, Dryad has increasingly curated and published datasets supporting eLife publications. As the open science landscape continues to evolve, with a growing emphasis on best practices and making all research components openly available, both organisations acknowledge that the workflows need to be simplified. Working with eJournalPress, eLife and Dryad are pleased to announce Dryad’s first platform-based integration, allowing authors to submit datasets to Dryad seamlessly through eLife’s submission process. As authors submit research to eLife, they will be prompted about data availability during the full submission. Authors are welcome to deposit their data to any suitable disciplinary repository and, if data do not yet have a home, authors will have the opportunity to upload their data to Dryad...."


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Tags: oa.policies.journals oa.policies oa.open_science oa.elife dryad

Date tagged:

06/24/2021, 14:01

Date published:

06/24/2021, 10:01