Welcoming Dryad as an OASPA member -| October 28, 2022

Items tagged with oa.dryad in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-11-01


"We recently welcomed Dryad as an OASPA member in the Supporting Services and Infrastructure (Non-Commercial) category. Dryad joins a growing list of over 200 OASPA members.  We asked  Jennifer Gibson, Executive Director, a few questions so we could learn more about Dryad and its connection to open scholarship and the decision to become an OASPA member.   Tell us a bit about your organisation, the service it provides – and your role within it  Dryad is an open data publishing platform and multi-stakeholder community committed to the open availability and routine reuse of all research data. We work with institutions, publishers and researchers to curate and publish data in a way that enables discoverability and interconnection with other research outcomes and systems. Online since 2008, Dryad has anticipated requirements for data-management and sharing like the latest we’re seeing from U.S. policy makers...."



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Date tagged:

11/01/2022, 08:09

Date published:

11/01/2022, 04:09