Price change: We’re updating our fee for authors | Dryad news

Items tagged with oa.dryad in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-12-02


" In recognition of current costs, we’re increasing the Dryad data publication fee to $150, effective January 2023.  Key points  The fee for researchers submitting directly to Dryad, and not in affiliation with an institution or journal that covers fees on their behalf, will increase from $120 to 150.  The increase focuses on cost-recovery, not generating a margin, and is based on an analysis of Dryad costs that was completed in July 2021. (See our latest Annual Report for information on costs). Between July 2021 and June 2022, over 1,700 individual researchers paid Dryad directly to publish their data. Another 126 were not asked to pay a fee on the basis that they submitted from a country included in our waiver policy or made a special request. Seven publishers, 17 academic societies & research organizations, and 51 institutions work with Dryad to cover costs for individuals submitting data in affiliation with them. The change does not affect our membership agreements. The fee was last increased in January 2016...."


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Date tagged:

12/02/2022, 09:43

Date published:

12/02/2022, 04:43