Tools for PLOS Authors: Reproducibility and Recognition | The Official PLOS Blog

Items tagged with in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2017-04-05


"PLOS now partners directly with to provide authors better ways to share methodological details about their work, practical tools to reduce wasted research efforts and persistent, citable identifiers for laboratory methods. For PLOS, this is a step forward on commitments to address reproducibility and provide improved recognition and credit for all contributions to a work. 'We are delighted to be associated with a like-minded partner such as PLOS,' says CEO Lenny Teytelman. 'We are aligned in our Open Access ethos, and we strive to facilitate the communication of research in an effective, accessible and reusable way.' This new offering complements PLOS’ already robust data availability policy, requiring that data underlying the conclusions of an article be made available at the time of publication. Since the strengthening of this policy in 2014, about 60,000 articles have been published that contain a Data Availability Statement."


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Tags: oa.plos oa.implementation oa.discoverability oa.authors oa.access reproducibility

Date tagged:

04/05/2017, 21:25

Date published:

04/05/2017, 17:25