NSF Grant for New STEM-focused Commons | Platypus - the Humanities Commons Blog

flavoursofopen's bookmarks 2022-08-17


by Kathleen Fitzpatrick The Commons team is delighted to have been awarded one of the inaugural FAIROS RCN grants from the NSF, in order to establish DBER+ Commons. That’s a big pile of acronyms, so here’s a breakdown: the NSF is of course the National Science Foundation, one of the most important federal funding bodies in the United States, and a new funder for us. The FAIROS RCN grant program was launched this year by the NSF in order to invest in Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable Open Science (FAIROS) by supporting the formation and development of Research Coordination Networks (RCN) dedicated to those principles. We have teamed up with a group of amazing folks at Michigan State University who are working across science, technology, engineering, math, and more traditional NSF fields, all of whom are focused on discipline-based education research (DBER) as well as other engaged education research methodologies (the +). Our goal for this project is to bring them together with their national and international collaborators in STEM education to create DBER+ Commons, which will use — and crucially, expand — the affordances of the HCommons network and promote FAIR and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, Ethics) practices, principles, and guidelines in undergraduate, postbaccalaureate, graduate, and postdoctoral science education research activities.  



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infrastructures grant nsf stem oa.open_science oa.nsf oa.education oa.dber+_commons oa.care usa fair funding platforms humanities_commons americas northern_america americas oa.usa.nsf oa.usa oa.stem oa.platforms oa.humanities_commons oa.funding oa.fairos oa.fair

Date tagged:

08/17/2022, 04:03

Date published:

08/17/2022, 00:04