Looking Over the Edge — Ten Years of Knowledge Unlatched:  Paving the Way for Diamond Open Access Monographs | Charleston Hub

jsellanga's bookmarks 2023-06-20


Widely considered a more equitable form of Gold OA, DOA relies on funding from institutions to cover the entire publishing process, ensuring that researchers can share their work without paying fees to publishers.  Although DOA encompasses a range of OA publications and infrastructures, it has gained the most attention and traction on the journal side of publishing, where it is positioned as a viable alternative to the Gold OA model reliant on Article Processing Charges (APCs).  Current estimates1 suggest that up to 29,000 academic journals use DOA as a publishing model, a third of which are registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).  Studies also point to the diversity of the DOA landscape, which spans countries, continents, disciplines, and languages.  Given their increasing popularity in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe — considered emerging OA publishing markets where researchers do not have the same access to closed scholarly content as those in more affluent countries and where authors cannot afford the steep cost of APCs



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Date tagged:

06/20/2023, 04:27

Date published:

06/20/2023, 00:27