DOIs for Research Software: Increasing Visibility, Connectivity, Citability
Items tagged with in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-05-07
"Research software are vital outputs of the research endeavour. They are often integral to the generation of research data, and rely heavily on the same technical and social infrastructure to disseminate, cultivate, and coordinate activities. While research software adhering to the same openness and FAIRness ideals as other digital objects should be per se intellegitur, it is only recently that efforts have been started to ensure they are afforded the same long-term preservation and stewardship as other research outputs. However, research software engineers are yet to view making their software FAIR and Open as normative and in their interests. The value of adding PIDs to research software to expose both citation metrics and their interconnections with other research entities is expected to increase researcher buy-in and drive change.
DataCite invites you to join us for a webinar in which you will learn about: - The importance of research software, and the difficulties faced in ensuring they are a first-class citizen of the research endeavour. - How DataCite supports research software, our recommended practices, and projects we are involved in with research software at the forefront. - A Zenodo–GitHub integration highlighting a practical use case of DataCite services for research software. - HERMES, a research software publication system currently in use that was developed by a German group including DataCite Members...."
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