Recommendations towards cooperation between African and European research infrastructures | RI-VIS, Zenodo, 2021

npscience's bookmarks 2023-03-16


"The RI-VIS project is a Horizon 2020-funded project to increase the visibility and raise awareness of European RIs to new communities beyond Europe. This report, as part of RI-VIS, focuses on ways to increase collaboration between African and European RIs. It collates the insights of experts from African RIs, European RIs and policymakers into sections that cover examples of successful collaboration, lessons learned and possible challenges/bottlenecks."



03/16/2023, 06:41

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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project ยป npscience's bookmarks


africa europe horizon2020 global_majority

Date tagged:

03/16/2023, 08:16

Date published:

01/28/2021, 05:41