UKRN releases a new working paper on the OR4 Project | UK Reproducibility Network
EstherPlomp's bookmarks 2024-03-12
Today, the UKRN’s OR4 project* releases a new report that describes the UK landscape of responsible researcher assessment, with a particular focus on open research. The evidence comes from a detailed survey, led by Robert Darby from the University of Reading, and is the most comprehensive review so far on this topic. The report reveals that around three quarters of the 60 institutions that responded to the survey are taking strategic action to reform how they assess researchers. This suggests that initiatives such as DORA, Leiden and CoARA have been highly effective in initiating change, perhaps more so than the raw number of their signatories implies. However, recognition for openness and transparency in research – key components in the Concordat to Support Research Integrity – does not yet feature significantly in the reforms being adopted by UK institutions. This reinforces the value of the OR4 project, which is already working to address this explicitly.
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