How Does Key Cutting Work?

MeetRV 2023-02-08

Have you ever needed a duplicate key for your home or car? If so, then you have likely searched for the term ‘key cutting near me’. Key cutting is an important service that allows individuals to make copies of their existing keys quickly and easily. But how exactly does this process work? In this article, we will explore the basic principles behind key cutting and explain how it works.

We will discuss what types of machines are used in key cutting, the different types of keys that can be cut, and why it’s important to have reliable professionals do the job correctly. By understanding these basics, you’ll be able to make informed decisions when it comes time to get your own set of duplicate keys made.

Machines & Tools

To start, let’s talk about the machines and tools used in key cutting. This process requires special cutting equipment that can accurately shape metal keys with precision. The most common type of machine is the key duplicator, which uses a pattern to trace an original key and cut out a duplicate version. Additionally, lock shops will often use specialized code-cutting machines that can create new keys from numerical codes. These machines are programmed with various parameters such as depth and spacing measurements to ensure accuracy when creating each key.

Types Of Keys Cut

The types of keys that can be cut vary depending on the make, model, and year of your specific vehicle or door lock. Generally speaking, many locksmiths offer service for standard residential and automotive household keys, as well as high-security keys for more advanced security systems. High-security keys are often constructed from harder materials and their design can be more complex than standard keys.

For this reason, it’s important to have a professional key cutting service cut your duplicate keys. Many locksmiths are trained and experienced in the art of key cutting and will ensure that each key is accurately made according to its specific specifications. This ensures that the new key works properly with the lock or vehicle it is intended for. 

What Type of Machines are Used for Key Cutting?

Key cutting machines are typically computer-controlled devices that can be operated manually or with a programming interface. They have physical controls, such as a rotating shaft for adjusting the depth of the cut, and digital displays that show information about what type of key is being cut and how to properly position the key blank in the machine. Some more advanced models feature multiple tool holders so that different types of tools can be used for different kinds of cuts.

These machines usually use high-speed steel, tungsten-carbide (or diamond) tipped blades to ensure accurate cuts and a polished finish. In addition to standard keys, they can also be used to create restricted or patented keys. Many locksmiths prefer key cutting machines because they provide precision cuts for a variety of key shapes and sizes, allowing them to quickly create custom keys for their customers.

So, while you may be able to easily get a copy of your regular household keys made at any local hardware store, when it comes to more intricate designs or specialty applications, it’s best to leave the job to a reliable locksmith. Key cutting is an important service that allows individuals to make accurate copies of their existing keys quickly and easily, so having access to a professional key cutting service is essential. By understanding the principles behind this process, you’ll be able to make informed decisions when it comes time to get your own set of duplicate keys made.

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