Mobile Game App Tendencies For 2023

MeetRV 2023-02-17

In the next 4 years, the gaming industry is expected to grow by $103.93 billion, making it one of the most profitable industries in the world.

In 2022, we’ve seen mobile games using more and more technologies to further immerse and engage players in virtual worlds – and we expect this trend to continue in the upcoming years.

That’s why this article will cover the most important technologies to track in the gaming industry, as well as the tendencies in game development. 

Let’s take a look at our top 7 picks:

The rise of interactive, multiplayer online games 

One of the most common complaints regarding mobile games is their redundancy. 

Namely, a significant number of existing mobile game apps can be played for a limited amount of time and offer limited and repetitive content to work through. For this reason, interactive mobile games are seen as the future of the gaming industry.

The ability to play the same game online, with other present players and in the same gaming environment opens up new gameplay opportunities and keeps the players engaged for longer. 

Moreover, multiplayer games with chat rooms also help close the gap between the gaming world and the real world, making space for people all over the world to bond over a common passion. 

That’s one of the reasons Twitch streamers are so successful, after all! 

The use of augmented and virtual reality technology in Gaming

Video game creators have figured out a way to further immerse players in the gaming world, and it is to:

  • Make it more realistic
  • Bring it closer to the players

Let’s take one of the most successful mobile game apps as an example: Pokémon Go. 

By using your phone to scan your environment, you can see the Pokémon world and its subjects right in front of you, merged with the décor of your apartment or the real-world streets you frequent. 

The reason why AR and VR technologies are so successful, especially among professional gamers, is that they make players active participants in the game. Instead of having to follow the game’s rules, it is the players who have control over their characters and stories. 

Finally, these technologies, combined with wearable gaming technologies, are expected to further increase immersion in the gaming experience. 

Development of cross-platform gaming titles

Here’s some gaming news fresh out of the oven: EA is coming out with a cross-platform game named “Project Rene,” popularly regarded as The Sims 5. 

That means that all lovers of this real-life simulation game will be able to play it while moving from one device or system to another. 

What’s so great about cross-platform gaming? Well, its strongest assets lie in inclusivity and bringing the community together. 

That means regardless of where you’re physically located, which console you’re using, or what device you’ve got on hand, you’ll be able to play your favorite games with all your friends online. 

Apart from the obvious benefits, it brings to the players, making cross-platform games can also:

  • Reduce the costs of future expansion and maintenance for game app development companies
  • Help reach a bigger audience and 
  • Increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Metaverse gaming

Players can now create their own avatars in the Metaverse, much like in The Sims, and use them to exchange crypto-assets in this virtual environment.

We see more and more companies joining this virtual world and offering in-game trading assets, attracting the attention of players who are interested in winning virtual gaming items that can be exchanged for real-world funds.

If regulated properly, Metaverse gaming can be a great way for companies to increase their capital and for everyone involved to acquire goods or services at lower prices. 

Using AI to tailor games to each player

A game that is intuitive and intellectually challenging is what keeps players hooked on the game. Artificial Intelligence technologies, when used in games, are on a great path toward achieving exactly that.

For example, did you know that AI is used to determine the behavior of NPCs in your games or to track your moves in order to help you properly move through the game?

With the help of AI, your gaming style and the decisions you make can influence the way the game progresses, making it less predictable and extending its playability significantly. 

Some games, like Minecraft, have even become never-ending thanks to this technology, making them a popular choice for gamers. 

Games with depth

Many gamers agree that developing a game with depth is more important than developing a complex game. Now, this can mean two things:

  • Games with a story that has depth
  • Games with gameplay depth

Namely, games focusing on real-world issues or solving real-world problems have been on a rise, due to creating an opportunity for knowledge sharing.

On the other hand, games with gameplay depth have always been fan favorites and are expected to stay that way. The number one reason for this is that gameplay depth means that not everything is already decided for the player, but the player has multiple ways to influence the game’s outcome.

Indie games will continue gaining popularity

Here’s the thing: even though indie games aren’t known for having the best graphics, ultimately, they are made by people who love gaming and want to drive innovation in the gaming world.

The creativity of indie game developers isn’t hindered by the pressure large gaming studios put on mainstream game developers. This makes space for the creation of games that cover new topics and explore novel and risky gameplay options.

As players get bored with exploring the same landscapes and playing the same characters all over again, indie games with original content and open communication with the gaming community are undoubtedly a mobile game trend to follow. 

The post Mobile Game App Tendencies For 2023 appeared first on MeetRV.