Essential foods in a Balanced Diet

MeetRV 2023-03-15

Today’s hectic life definitely affects our way of eating, in which we usually neglect basic aspects such as the proper balance of food.

In this sense, we offer you today an orientation as to which fundamental products should not be missing in a daily balanced diet. We also present a definition of what a balanced diet is and some healthy tips.

Foods that we should not forget in our daily diet  

According to many nutritionists, our daily diet should include foods of different species. This will guarantee the appropriate consumption of the nutrients that the body will require for the daily routine. Among these foods are:


Eat different types of vegetables, which you can roast or steam with an herb such as rosemary for best results. Another option is to sauté them in a pan with a little oil. There are also frozen or canned vegetables that can be served as a quick side dish. These are simply cooked in the microwave and served. It is recommended that canned vegetables contain no added salt, butter or creamy sauces. It is an option to eat a new vegetable every week.

Meat, chicken or fish  

These are must-try dishes in a healthy diet. For a good balance in the diet, it is advisable to prioritize the consumption of lean ones or white meats, such as rabbit, chicken or turkey, as they contain 10% less fat per 100 grams than red meats.

The following are some of its main characteristics:

  • Chicken. This white meat stands out for its low levels of fat and its high nutritional value.
  • Turkey. It is, without doubt, a fundamental pillar in the composition of a healthy and balanced meal.
  • Meat. It should be consumed in moderation, since certain cuts contain saturated fats. However, it is a recommended alternative if you are looking to nourish your body with proteins, vitamins and minerals. But it is advisable to restrict its consumption to a maximum of three times a week, making sure that it is a cut with a lower proportion of fat. Preferred cuts are:
    • Beef.
    • Rabbit meat.
    • Pork meat.
    • Iberian pork.
    • Sheep meat.

If you prepare recipes with these products, prefer to bake or roast them as the healthiest option.

Fresh fruits  

It is advisable to eat fresh fruits such as apples, pears, oranges, grapes, tangerines, peaches, plums and limes. And, of course, include tropical fruits such as mango, guava, passion fruit, pineapple, banana, kiwi, pomegranate, custard apple, loquat, papaya, watermelon, melon and many more.

You can also use frozen or canned recently elaborated. Among the canned ones, prefer those that come in water or in their own juice.

Calcium-rich foods  

This group of foods includes not only milk of different origin, but also its derivatives, such as cheeses, yogurts, etc. They are highly digestible foods and their nutritional value is based on the content of high quality proteins and lactose, as well as acceptable levels of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, among others, as well as vitamin A and B complex

Also, you can consume nonfat yogurts with no added sugar. These come in a variety of flavors and can be an excellent substitute for dessert.

Bread and cereals  

This type of product contains abundant carbohydrates, required to provide necessary calories. Also, these products are complemented by the presence of minerals, such as iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, as well as B complex vitamins.

What is a balanced diet?  

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a healthy diet is one that provides all the essential nutrients and energy each person needs to stay healthy. The essential nutrients are: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals, water and fiber. Intake of these nutrients must consider age, sex, stage of development, body condition, etc., to avoid situations of malnutrition, either by excess or by deficiency.

The basis of a balanced diet is also endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

You can access in which you will get several dishes prepared with gnocchi, considered a healthy food for a balanced diet.

Tips for eating  healthy

Think you’re eating healthy and balanced?  If you are not sure, follow these 10 tips provided by Maddalena Cipriani, expert Biologist Nutritionist from Firenze, Italy:

  • Watch your weight and always keep active.
  • Consume more grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.
  • Choose quality fats and limit their quantity.
  • Limit sugars, sweets and sugary drinks.
  • Drink plenty of water every day.
  • Use little salt.
  • Consume alcoholic beverages in controlled amounts.
  • Vary your choices at the table often.

However, always keep in mind that the safety of the foods you consume also depends on you.

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