The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Awards NYU $502,400 For Libraries Project to Expand Capabilities For Preserving Digital Scholarship | Research Guides at New York University

Items tagged with oa.mellon_foundation in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-08-24


With a major new grant of $502,400 to NYU from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the NYU Division of Libraries and its project partners will deepen their exploration and analysis of digital preservation methods and the extent to which they can preserve complex scholarly publications. The goal is to support publishers in making design choices that result in publications, including very complex ones, that can be preserved at scale without sacrificing functionality.  The three-year project, Embedding Preservability, will be conducted by the NYU Libraries’ Digital Library Technology Services (DLTS) unit and led by Assistant Dean and DLTS Director David Millman. The work follows a recently completed, two-year project, also funded by the Mellon Foundation, in which DLTS, working with digital preservation practitioners and academic presses, developed an extensive set of digital-publishing guidelines for ensuring effective preservability. The Embedding Preservability project will refine, expand, and operationalize these guidelines. [...]


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Date tagged:

08/24/2021, 05:31

Date published:

08/24/2021, 01:31